The History of HU

HU is referenced in many sacred and secular texts.

Chanting this word is described as going a step beyond meditation, “lighter than meditation,” more in alignment with “a contemplative or calming technique.” (Help Your Life, Go Beyond Meditation! ) The Egyptian and Greek traditions of 5,000 years ago talk about the use of the word HU as a reference to God. Sufi saints of Tibet reference the word HU as being the originating sound of the universe. Druid history dating approximately 4,000 years ago and the Kabala also reference this sacred word.

The Gnostic gospels (circa, 400 AD) refer to HU as being the true name for God. Even the Oxford English Dictionary in referencing the word "God," contends that it can be derived from the Sanskrit word HU.

Creation myths are suffused with references to the energy, vibration, sound or the Word that created the Universe. Many texts and sacred books of various religious or spiritual paths discuss the possibilities of what the originating sound of creation might have been. The writers who discuss these possibilities range from Joseph Campbell to Saint John (Gospel of John), and from William Blake to the ancient Vedas. That sound or word, they have speculated, may be a key to the unfoldment, evolution and consciousness on this planet.

The religions of East and West strikingly agree—in the beginning was the Word. As it is stated in the Gospel according to St. John, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Clearly, this sacred vibration is usually referred to in early Christian texts as the Word. In Hinduism, the divine vibration is, as we have seen, more usually referred to as OM, which is considered a less refined vibration than HU.



The ancient Egyptians had an awareness of the word HU. The Pyramid Texts, from 2614-2181 BCE, are the oldest religious writings known. They describe HU as the God of the spoken word. There are numerous references to HU that run throughout their mythology. As a matter of fact, they erected a monument to HU that is known as the Sphinx.

In an article by Catherine Harris, she explains that to the Egyptians, HU represents the power of the spoken word. HU “personifies the authority of utterance,” she writes and continues: "So far, we know HU as the personification of divine utterance.” She finds that in some legends HU is known as the creator. It is said that as Hu drew its first breath, there was in that sound the essence of its name. Hence, we have the name HU, which sounds remarkably like the sound of an expelling breath. With each breath HU expelled, creation took place.” So, she concludes that HU is the word of God, the first and the last breath, HU. Joshua Mark further adds, “This breath of HU brought all into being.” And the ancient Egyptians recognized the Sphinx at the Giza plateau as an image of HU.

It is suggested that the Egyptians used the Sphinx to perform one of their sacred rituals. The ritual was performed at dusk and continued until the following rays of dawn. She contends that the Egyptians would gather at the Sphinx and begin to chant HU at dusk. This chant would continue until daybreak. This twelve-hour chant was meant to be a re-enactment of the creation of the universe. According to some authors, the ancient name of HU could possibly be traced back at least 16,000 years to the dawn of Egyptian civilization.”


There are several definitions or descriptions for this religion:

  1. A religion represented by the many groups (especially in Asia) that profess various forms of the Buddhist doctrine and that venerate Buddha.
  2. The teachings of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct, wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth.

Tibetan Buddhism is aware of the term HU and its use in their view of the world. Some consider Tibetan Buddhism to be the esoteric or meditative form of Buddhism. HU can be recognized in their most widely used mantra: OM-Mani-Padme-Hum. The word HUM is known to be derived from "HU" but creates a different frequency or vibration as compared to HU. HU is slightly changed by adding the consonant "M," which changes the sound and frequency of the original word HU.


Certainly, there are many unique brands of Christianity. The dictionary outlines a good starting point:

"the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches.”

In the Gospel according to John, HU is referred to: "God is Love (E-Io-HEEM HU a-ha-VAH)."

The Gregorian Chant goes back to a distant past. The traditional name stems from that of the Pope Gregory the Great (about the year 600). In the year 578, he was ordained as a priest and in 590 he was elected as Pope. The liturgy of Rome that was celebrated, at first in Greek language and from the fourth century already in Latin, used the word of Hebrew origin as "Hallelujah."

Modern writers contend that the word Hallelujah originated as a combination of the words Allah and HU. Allah-HU is a chant used by some to produce a specific sound or mantric vibration. The word Hallelujah is used to produce an uplifting sound in Christian chants and songs. It is recognized as a sound of praise to God.

Although Gregorian chant is truly a part of Christian tradition, it plays a minor role in the hymns and singing of prayers in Christian churches today. Yet, if we view the original roots of Christianity as coming from the Hebrew and Gnostic traditions, then we find an even stronger connection to the word HU as a reference to God.


The Druids are known for having used the word HU in their religious practices and initiations. The Druids can be traced back at least several thousand years. Both males and females served as Druid priests. Today, there exist modern Druids who still recognize the word HU from their ancient rituals and lore.

Early Druids formed an intellectual class comprising philosophers, judges, educators, historians, doctors, seers, astronomers, and astrologers. The earliest surviving classical references to Druids date to the 2nd century B.C.E.

Wikipedia paints the Druids with a broad cultural brush. A druid was a member of the priestly and learned class in the pre-Christian, ancient Celtic societies. These societies existed through much of Western Europe, Britain and Ireland, until they were supplanted by the Roman government and, later, the arrival of Christianity. Druids were part of the cultures of the tribal peoples who were called "Keltoi" or "Keltai" and "Galatai" by the Greeks and "Celtae" and "Galli" by the Romans.

In the communities they served, druids combined the duties of priest, arbitrator, healer, scholar, and magistrate. Both men and women served as druids.

In The Flaming Door, the author, Eleanor Merry discusses the Celtic awareness of HU, saying that it was the “all-ruling Divinity of Western Celtic mythology,” representing “the power and the glory of the spiritual world.” HU was associated with the ascent “out of the body into the glorified state of expansion of the consciousness in the spiritual world."

Merry continues: "And HU could bring music to the consciousness of waking man and teach it to him, because he himself could hear in sleep the harmonies of the spheres, and his passage from waking to sleeping to waking was unbroken by any obliteration of consciousness. This was always the summit of initiation experience."

HU or Heu'c', was identified with the name or sound for spirit, the first or originating sound. The word HU occurs throughout the Celtic tradition. Modern-day Druids are certainly aware of the term and its usage in their religion.


Defined as: "A religious orientation advocating gnosis as the way to release a person's spiritual element; considered heresy by orthodox Christian churches." The Gnostics were a group of seekers who followed an inner path. They believed that God or truth could only be known in a very personal inward journey. Gnosticism is considered to be the esoteric or secret side of Christianity. In other words, the early Christians (before being called Christians) evolved from Gnostic groups of the time.

The text of the Nag Hammadi Library contains fourth-century copies of earlier Greek versions of the inner experiences of the Gnostics ... with a guide to thirteen planes and a discussion of sound keys to the planes and luminaries of those planes.

The Paraphrase of Shem talks of inner travel as the mind's separation from the body, as if in sleep. Another text, the Apocalypse of Paul, tells of Paul's heavenly journeys and his transformation upon reaching the tenth heaven. The Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth gives a hermetic exercise for travel to purely spiritual planes, including chanting a secret name that can be transliterated from the original Coptic as HU.

With regard to Gnostic initiations, the derivation of the word human is examined in light of its true meaning. "HU" indicates the spirit of God. "Man" comes from "man as," which means mind. So, when the spirit, HU, dominates the mind, you find a hu-man.

The Gnostics were aware of the sound current as represented in the word HU and used it in their meditations. Since inner experience with the Divine was foremost for Gnostics, any sound or word that led to inner illumination was used extensively.


This religion is one of the world's largest mainstream religions. References to the HU are found throughout their prayers, chants, and rituals. Their sacred book is the Koran. Their prophet is Muhammad and his teachings come approximately 500 years after Christ. The dictionary has this to say: "Islam is the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah."

The sacred book of Islam, the Koran, speaks directly about the HU and its role in creation: "HU gives you life and death. When a thing is created, HU says to it: "Be," and it is.

The Messenger of ALLAH, Muhammad, Sall ALLAH HU Alai Hi Wa Sallam was 40 years old when the Qur'an began to be revealed to him, and he (Sall ALLAH HU Alai Hi Wa Sallam ) was 63 when the revelation was completed. The language of the original message was Arabic, but it has been translated into many other languages.

The Qur'an has not been reinterpreted. Its wording is letter for letter, word for word fixed by no one but ALLAH. HU is used extensively in conjunction with Allah. Many contend that Allah HU eventually became Hallelujah. Additionally, HU is referenced again directly in the Qur'an: "Allah [loosens/sends] the winds, that stir up clouds, and HU spreads them over the skies as HU wills."


One of the oldest world religions is defined in the dictionary as: "The religion of the Israelites of the Bible and of the Jews of today, based on the teachings of the Torah. Judaism involves the belief in one God, whose chosen people are the Jews. Abraham is considered the founder of Judaism, although Moses, who delivered the laws of God to the Israelites, is also an important figure: The holy days and festivals of Judaism include Hanukkah, Passover, Purim, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur.

There are many references to HU throughout the Torah. It is generally considered a high name for God. Many Rabbis recommend spending quality time with HaKadosh Baruch HU. Rabbis believe that investing in quality time is the best way to also build a relationship with HaKadosh Baruch HU.

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan recommends that everyone should take five minutes to meditate. Hakadosh Baruch HU is considered the Creator of heaven and Earth and it is taught that all wisdom depends upon knowledge of Hakadosh Baruch HU.


It is said that the esoteric side of Judaism is Kabbalah. It is also spelled Cabala or Kabala. The dictionary says this about Kabbalism:

  1. often Kabbalah, a body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.
  2. a secret doctrine resembling these teachings.

Kabbalah is a form of mystical interpretation of the Scriptures. The word Kabbalah itself means "to receive." Originally, it was a secret teaching that came into existence to revive Judaism. The teachings of Kabbalah use mystical words and chants as part of their ritual. The word HU is scattered throughout the teachings. Today, due to a resurgence of interest, Kabbalah is experiencing new growth. The spotlight of recognition has once again touched this ancient teaching.

In the Kabbalah, mentions of HU may also be HUH, used as a name for God. In several cases, HU has different prefixes with different shades of meaning. In several references, YaHUH is considered to be in charge of Heaven. Thus, Kabbalah not only has references to the name HU but considers it to be one of the more sacred names for the Supreme One or God.